If you have experienced sexual harassment, there is no right or wrong way to feel or be. What has happened is not your fault and you're not alone. Your safety and wellbeing are the most important things right now and you can access specialist support, if and whenever you feel ready.

Steps you may wish to take immediately 
If you are in immediate danger or are seriously injured on site you can call the university security team on 01332 597777.  If you are off site, contact the emergency services on 999. 

Find a safe space - If an incident has just happened try and find somewhere you feel safe.
If this isn't possible and you are scared or fearful you can call the university security team on 01332 597777 or the emergency services on 999. 

Speak to someone about your options: 
Report and Support – If you choose to report with your contact details, your details will be shared with a case worker and contact will be made with you.  You may be signposted to relevant internal or external services and support information. 

This stage in the Report & Support process does not initiate a formal complaint, but you may request this.

Internal Support

Employee Assistance Programme - The University’s Employee Assistance Programme provides a confidential and impartial advice service which is free for University employees. You can access this service whenever you need to 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by telephone or by downloading the App or requesting contact through the online health portal. Further details can be found here

External Support: 
Safeline – a specialised charity working to prevent sexual abuse and to support those affected in their recovery. 

Rape Crisis National Helpline - offers confidential emotional support, information and referral details. 

The Survivors Trust - provides confidential information, advice and support for women, men and young people, their parents/carers or partners via a helpline or email. 

Galop - If you are a member of the LGBT+ community and experienced sexual assault, abuse, or violence, Galop runs a specialist helpline. 

If you’ve been raped or sexually assaulted, you could be at risk of sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.  You can find information on the sexual health services here: Sexual health - NHS (www.nhs.uk) 

  • If you wish to make a formal complaint: 
You can formally report something to the University and/or the police if it constitutes a criminal offence.  

Disclosures under the Report & Support portal do not create a formal complaint and is not an instruction for the University to take action. Formal complaints can be made under the staff or student grievance policies. 

Reporting to the police – if you are in immediate danger, call 999.  Otherwise, call 101 which is the non-emergency police number. 

There are two ways you can tell us what happened